Berkeley Lab
Bringing Science Solutions to the World


Complaint Resolution/Feedback

Please feel free to contact, 510-486-7580, with any feedback, questions, or complaints.

If you would prefer to communicate any questions or concerns to our Ombuds, you may contact Cheryl A. Fragiadakis in confidence at 510-486-4074 or by email.

The role of the Ombuds (ombudsman) is to provide an informal means of communication and complaint resolution between industry and the Laboratory re: licensing, CRADAs, and other technology transfer issues. The Ombuds is a designated neutral party whose services are confidential and resolution focused.

The mission of the Ombuds is to facilitate communication and problem solving between industry and Berkeley Lab as well as to help businesses understand the complaint resolution processes already in place at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.

An Ombuds doesn’t handle contract negotiation or other legal issues, act as a decision-maker or draw conclusions, formally investigate, or make formal recommendations or findings of fact. S/he also does not replace, override, or influence formal review or appeal mechanisms, or serve as an intermediary when legal action is involved or when legal counsel represents a party.